The Shift4 Updates team

Appetize Release Notes: Connect 12.17 to 12.21

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: Feb 6, 2024

Release Version: Connect 12.21

Release Type: General

Content: Bug Fixes

  • Increased the minimum length requirement for Connect passwords to 12 characters

  • Fixed an issue where refunds was calculated incorrectly in Transactions API [TAPI]

  • Fixed an issue where roundup for charity amounts were not reflected in Transactions API [TAPI]

Released On: Jan 22, 2024

Release Version: Connect 12.20

Release Type: General

Content: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where in certain cases, venue/vendorID parameters are not respected in Items API 

  • Fixed an issue where inclusive taxes were not reflected correctly at checkout on terminal

Released On: Jan 8, 2024

Release Version: Connect 12.19

Release Type: General

Content: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where inventory sales count were not calculated correctly after making a change to inventory counts

  • Fixed an issue where inventory count-outs from Activate-X were not populating in Connect/Standseet

  • Fixed an issue where in certain cases updating vendor status did not result in a confirmation of change to the status

  • Fixed an issue where when using single sign on, in certain cases, users experienced flickering or reload of pages in Connect

Released On: December 18, 2023

Release Version: Connect 12.18

Release Type: General

Content: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where calls to ItemsAPI was resulting in an error

  • Fixed an issue where, when assigning a prices level to a vendor, a “refresh” from the device is enough to pull the updated pricing.

    • Event Price levels changed after the device logged in still requires a fresh login.

  • Fixed erroneous payment status issue for Moneris receipt emails for transactions that go offline.

Released On: December 4, 2023

Release Version: Connect 12.17

Release Type: General

Content: Bug Fixes and Feature Updates

  • Connect allows users to extend their session and stay logged into the Connect.  Currently, Connect auto-logs out from user session after inactivity.  WIth this release, user will receive a pop-up message asking if the user would like to stay logged in.  On accepting the request, the user will continue to stay logged in.   

  • Support auto-print setting for KDSX 5.14 where vendor orders are auto printed to the kitchen printer

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the terminal was not respecting auto-print receipt setting in terminal roles.  

  • Fixed a bug where in certain scenarios  a change made to un-assign a tax rate from an item was not saved to Connect

  • Fixed a bug where Inventory counts entered from point of sale terminal was not reflected accurately in standsheets in Connect

  • Fixed a bug where refunds made from Connect were not displayed in the original order journal

  • Clarified messaging and data required when user changes subvendor kitchen mode from Connect mode to Local mode prompting the user to add IP address for printers for all sub-vendors


For questions or assistance, contact Appetize Support at 877.559.4225, email, or reach out to your Account Manager/Customer Success Manager.

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