The Shift4 Updates team


AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Core Functionality

  • Added a “Sync All” button on the Offline Orders tab. 

    • Note: Users may still have to manually sync orders (if they fail via the Sync All).

  • Finalize Day - Local Totals will now show totals only for the logged in user.  If a manager is logged in, AX will show the totals for all users.

  • UI Enhancements for Checks on a small mobile screen (5”).

  • POS Categories now have a different design (on the Menu tab).


  • QSRA Proxy Improvements (Fire On Total)

    • Modifier quantity after the breakout

    • Payment state updates after breakout

    • Customer Names

    • Voided items and their modifiers

    • Adjusted quantities on items and their modifiers

    • AX now sends the correct data to QSRA, including:

    • All Clear Cart options are once again handled correctly.

  • QSRA Routing by Order Type

    • AX orders will be sent to QSRA according to their Order Types.

    • This includes Table Number, Section, Row, or Seat information - these appear as Table Name in QSRA.

  • AX now shows an alert indicator on the Side (Hamburger) Menu when KDSX has orders in the Pending tab.

Customer Facing Display

  • Tip screen on CFD has been redesigned to improve usability.

Table Service

  • Users can now add tips to checks that were paid in cash.

  • Proxy Servers can add or adjust tips assigned to other servers. 

    • When a Proxy Server closes or modifies the payment on a check, an audit event will be stored for analytics.

  • Terminal Roles can be configured to allow tips on certain tenders. 

    • Options include: No Tips, All Tenders, Cash Only, Credit Only.


  • Implemented storing the weight as a quantity. Refunding weighed items is only allowed in full - partial weights can not be returned.


  • New discount type: “Spend $X on Item(s), Get $Y amount off Items(s)

    • When the value of items in a qualifying group is spent, a discount is applied to applicable items in a reward group.

  • % discounts applied to all items will now report as a total reduction and as a reduction per line item

  • Allow for multiple discounts to cycle through and apply all applicable discounts by using exclusivity groups set to Item Level

Credit Payments

  • Attempt to refund an order from incompatible equipment or gateway will prompt the user to complete the refund on the original setup.

    • “The payment you are attempting to refund was accepted on a different gateway or equipment.  Please re-scan the card, or select an alternate tender, to complete the refund on this register.”

  • Reaching max PAX transactions for the batch will prompt the user, so the batch can be closed and payments can resume.

    • “CardReader reached batch transaction maximum. Please contact Support for assistance to clear the batch so that payments can continue.”

  • Pax devices will be prevented from processing credit if a valid TID cannot be located

    • PAX venues will now operate the same as Canada – since a specific TID is required for the S/N, if one cannot be looked up in Asset Management, or from cached-login, then the Credit tender will be disabled and alert will be shown.

  • “Your Pax venue does not have an available TID for this pinpad.  The pinpad will not be able to approve credit transactions.  Please contact Support.”

  • This will prevent accepting credit payments offline with an invalid (default) TID that would cause decline when they playback.  

  • If this message is shown, the recommendation is to check network connection, exit/logout from AX, and then reload AX without using cached credentials.

  • Sub-payment type for reporting was added for PAX payments


  • Orders are not closed if Loaded-Value/Loyalty covers the balance but not the selected tip.

    • Available card value covers tip plus partial-balance.

    • Remaining balance can be paid by alternate tender.

  • VALUTEC cards allow Activation and Reload

    • Activation, Reload, and Cashout will require a PIN

    • Purchase and Refund respect the “PIN Required” Connect setting

    • Swiped cards can be used for all operations

  • For SKIDATA tender, the pointsAwarded are now always reported.

    • Points will be applied for out-of-pocket payment, not covered by SkiData.

    • Zero points will be applied for LoadedValue payment.

  • For LAVA tender, Item details are reported to LAVA on Checkout.

  • For STADIS discounts, item limits are respected.


  • Upgraded TabActive2 (v1.5) or TabActive3 (v2.0) cases are available.

    • This equipment will now correctly perform data and power swaps (begin charging or draining or reconnect) regardless of TabActive plugged-vs-battery, transition to plugged/unplugged, battery levels as low/charging/charged, or reboots which occur under any of these conditions.

  • Digital Tip (tip-at-charge) can now be shown on Freedompay Tellium and Tetra devices for credit payments.

    • Tip Enabled 

    • Tip at Charge (yes)

    • Tip At Charge Screen (CardReader) ← new setting

    • Tip Percentage (yes)

    • Custom Tip 1 Amount

    • Custom Tip 2 Amount

    • Custom Tip 3 Amount

    • 1st 3 tip levels from Connect will be shown (4th will be ignored)

    • Defaults are 15%, 18%, 20%, Other

    • “Other” tip selection will always be prompted in DOLLARS

    • Customer will be shown the subtotal / tip / total - prior to card being scanned

    • Settings are managed under TerminalRoles / Calculations / Tip

    • NOTE : It is possible that the configuration files (OGZ/TGZ) may need to be re-pushed to the device, if the feature is not working with this release, because prior version settings may be incompatible with tip on reader.

    • Tip on Ingenico is always by PERCENT not DOLLARS - so Connect setting should ALWAYS be set as PERCENT

    • Customer must select Tip 1 / 2 / 3 / Other using the function keys under the % prompts at bottom of screen

  • Freedompay ISMP4 devices now allow Barcode Scan for ItemLookup

  • NOTE : Because earlier AX versions explicitly changed local device settings, the ISMP4 should be updated (once) with the standard OGZ/TGZ before attempting to use the Barcode Scan button.

    • Cash Drawer setup list now shows the name of each cash drawer

Data Integrity

  • SendDiagnostics reports AUDIT of the file/vendor/venue/device sent

  • Any available (secure) db is sent with logs, to cover classic/x migration

  • Unrecoverable errors are added to logs, prior to app restart


Credit Payments

  • Some Pax users were repeatedly seeing the same unsuccessful deferred-captures attempted during logouts.  

    • Deferred captures are now optimized to defer additional captures if the initial attempt shows that the gateway is still not reachable.

  • Credit sub-payment type was not available for Reports, from PAX (Elavon) payments.

  • Pax handheld devices route back to cart after payment, without showing ThankYou.  Unable to move forward to complete the order.

  • Moving forward to open check prior to CardApproved message was causing an uncaptured-auth on that card.

  • PaymentApp opens on A920 when transferring a check

  • Ingenico (Elavon) failed to reconnect after required overnight security reboot, when attached to an ELOv2 or ELOv4.

  • Pax (Elavon) - replay transactions appear in SyncDecline although payment was approved at gateway (triggered by ABORTED response from LocalDetailReport being treated as a decline) and blocking additional orders from recovering from offline

  • Improved handling for ABORTED / BUSY conditions with Pax (Elavon) payments, which allows replay of offline payments to proceed

  • Freedompay orders showing “Failed to Sync” leaving them stuck in offline status (triggered by Freedompay bug which rendered payment status unavailable)

  • Pax (Elavon) - offline orders failed to sync if device is rebooted during Sync (triggered by an Elavon bug which rendered payment status unavailable)

  • Offline payments which declined on recovery were sporadically showing as approved/Closed instead of SyncDecline.  (triggered by inconsistent response code combinations from Elavon, which are now reviewed prior to approve/decline).

  • TenderName was reported to TransactionsAPI with cardbrand and last4.  Both receipts and TAPI now correctly identify brand vs last4.


  • STADIS promo is now reversed for a canceled sale.

  • STADIS promo is now reversed for a Refund.

  • STADIS option is now available for Refund after a fully discounted Sale.

  • STADIS promo is now limited to once per Sale.  No additional promos are applied.


  • Low-memory devices freezing at Checkout.

  • ELO can use Magtek edge swiper for GiveX and Stadis swipe cards

  • Cashier can CANCEL pending credit card scan, if the payment has not yet been processed (rather than waiting for Customer to cancel this)

  • Activate X will crash randomly when the Star USB Cash Drawer is connected to a PAX E700 or E800 after

  • Additional incorrect Cash Drawers appeared in the list for selecting cash drawer

  • APG usb Cash Drawer periodically becomes disconnected

  • Truncated last4 of card was appearing on PAX A920 receipts

  • Masked last4 was truncated on Canadian receipts

Offline Queue

  • AX with offline orders crashes when device is put back online

  • Offline Orders not auto-syncing


  • Unable to retrieve refund order after

  • Unable to refund single-items on checks after 15.5.4

  • ELO v1 doesn’t display mods2mods and item count

  • Second cart item entry with modifier overwrites prior cart item modifier

  • Seats Required dropdown does not work on Elo V1

  • No option to add tip after order

  • Unable to recall orders to refund if previously/partially refunded

  • Check Number duplicates assigned causing missing checks

  • AX changing Suite check name

  • Performance latency on Finalize Day

  • Server Totals do not display any sales data

  • Performance latency on All Orders page

  • Checks tab is grayed-out indefinitely if item is added to cart for non-receipted refund then cart is cleared

  • Tax Objects Not Added to Checkout Payload

  • "Force Code Reset" not Respected by Activate when Active Manual Entry Code is Off

  • Performance Latency on large order checkout calls

  • Order goes to closed tab if Tip is enabled, Tip Adjust and Tip at Charge disabled

  • Cancel Mode not being observed in KDS Android with Fire on Next

  • Seat and correct vendor information is not printing on KDS chit

  • Combine Check Sent All Mods To Printer Again

  • Check reprints on QSRA when user interacts with check on another terminal

  • Finalize Day- Server Totals Print Blank ($0) Sales Totals

  • Finalize Day- Field Name Updates (Server + Local Totals)

  • ActivateX does not submit DestinationID to KDSX when running with UOP

  • Discounts remain applied to items if the item is removed from the cart and then re-added

  • Modifiers and Instructions are displayed as tabs in the New Item Details screen

  • Voiding a previously fired modifier on an item gets order stuck in 'offline' queue after checkout

  • Duplicate Item in Order_items table causing discrepancies

  • Discounts not applying to correct items after item has been price adjusted

  • Tax Not Discounted Properly on AX

  • Login was showing “Employee PIN must not be null”.

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